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We’d like to know the origin and destination of your move, and most importantly the reason of your move. How did you experience that?

I’m going back to my country of origin. It can be overwhelming but it is also exciting. You need to truly research what are the best companies, paperwork that has to be done, and in general what are the requirements. We like that we didn’t had to pack ourselves, because we wanted to leave it to the professionals. We will see how everything arrives to Mexico. But we are hopeful everything will work out just fine. Everything is done so fast while packing, you need to truly sort your things out in advance, otherwise everything will be packed.

Choosing a good moving company is painful, we know that. How did you manage to find the perfect one among the thousands of existing ones?

Well we knew it will be exhausting and stressful but it was way more overwhelming for us, because you always have in mind that you everything will fit in the transport, but of course since everything needs to be well packed and protected, the volume of everything doubled. That’s when you start panicking thinking the space that you paid for won’t be enough and you might have to pay even more. But when you are a newbie you feel you have to pay double the price of what you already paid for, but the reality is that you only pay for the extra cubic meter, which is a relief.

 What are 3 tips that you think could help others make their moving day less chaotic?

Truly go through every single item you have and really question yourself if it is worth taking it. Only take objects and furniture that are truly worthy for you or that can’t be replaced. If you have furniture or objects that you know can be folded in a special way that can save some space, do it prior to your moving, because the day of the moving, the movers have no time to question every single item, they will just pack everything as it is. They need to move fast and get the job done. So preparation is advised.

Any last words?

Check prices, compare companies, really sort your belongings well and expect unexpected expenses.